De songes au songe d’un autre miroir (Of Dreams in the Dream of Another Mirror)

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(BALi, KulturBahnhof Kassel)

Mirrors are abstract for her, says Kelsey, a casual object. For those who see, they are an important means to affirm them of themselves. Blind people create their image of themselves by different means, by sounds and lived experiences. The film observes young blind people as they interact with the world, in hearing and touching, reading with their fingertips, writing on the braille machine, and listens to them talk about a world without visibility. In between, he creates images that abstract from the world as sighted people experience it. Approaching the lived world of blind people by means of cinema, is an endeavor the filmmaker himself calls impossible. But in failure, too, something becomes visible.

  • Duration: 16 Min.
  • Countries: France
  • Languages: French
  • Subtitles: English
  • Production year: 2022

  • Nominated: A38-Production Grant Kassel-Halle