Goldener Herkules: Simularium

(BALi, KulturBahnhof Kassel)

A dystopian landscape opens up between reality and simulation, in which artificial intelligence renegotiates and decomposes our memories. Craft and knowledge transfer glide through these worlds, populated by extraterrestrial beings. The space condenses into retrofuturistic aesthetics, where the artificial destabilizes art. Shapes, colors, and memories are stylishly distorted until the boundary between the natural and the artificial begins to flicker blue and finally shatters - reality becomes a kaleidoscopic mirror.

Blue Light Waves Goodbye

Glowing blue, electronic devices seem to wink at us with their flickering little eyes. What are they trying to tell us with their gazes? “I’m not glowing, I’m crying,” the little humidifier quietly shares with us. About what? As if the devices were reflecting on the material conditions of their existence, recognizing in them the ever-intensifying crisis of the present, BLUE LIGHT WAVES GOODBYE offers a tender farewell to the world as we know it. (Anne Zühlke)


  • Duration: 21 Min.
  • Premiere: World Premiere
  • Nominated: Goldener Hercules
    • Director: Malin Kuht


    An aggressive battle unfolds between red and dark blue. The borderlines between the colors vibrate with tension as they fight for their lives.


    • Duration: 4 Min.
  • Nominated: Goldener Hercules
    • Director: Martin Schmidt

    How to Imagine the Unimaginable

    “……; now I knew that the more the Dinosaurs disappear, the more they extend their dominion, and over forests far more vast than those that cover the continents: in the labyrinth of the survivors' thoughts. From the semidarkness of fears and doubts of now ignorant generations, the Dinosaurs continued to extend their necks, to raise their taloned hoofs, and when the last shadow of their image had been erased, their name went on, superimposed on all meanings, perpetuating their presence in relations among living beings.” (The Dinosaurs, Calvino)


    • Duration: 23 Min.
  • Nominated: Goldener Hercules
    • Director: Zirui Chen, Guangli Liu

    Spiders of the Alps

    Who’s afraid of the trembling, power-surging LED spiders? In this mockumentary, the tradition and welfare of LED spider keeping are called into question.


    • Duration: 3 Min.
    • Director: Anja Kellner


    In the near future, the tech company Retroverse offers simulations set in the year 2024 in the idyllic Hessian village of Günsterode, near Kassel. In the face of a world marked by global crises, people seek refuge in these retro simulations, escaping their difficult daily lives to live in a past era.


    • Duration: 13 Min.
  • Premiere: World Premiere
  • Nominated: Goldener Hercules
    • Director: Johannes Büttner, Annegret von Feiertag

    In Vivo Neona

    Kalysto enters the winding laboratory of the reclusive Dr. Enginemaker as her new assistant. But when creating lifeforms that are supposed to have overcome all social pain, unexpected complications arise.


    • Duration: 11 Min.
  • Premiere: World Premiere
  • Nominated: Goldener Hercules
    • Director: Pascalina Krummenauer